Speed is of the essence…
Erica Stone is a well respected online marketer and product creator that I have had the pleasure of both buying from, and promoting for in the past.
She is something of a no-nonsense lady who tells it like it is and believes in conducting her business at the highest ethical level.
That’s saying something with so many ‘gimme the money and to hell with your results’ fakers that seem to be proliferating daily!
Erica’s Speedlister, is all about her own method of growing her email list. As she is just as successful an email marketer as she is a product creator, I knew as soon as I heard about Speedlister that I would buy it – and wouldn’t be disappointed.
I was right on both counts!
Speedlister gets a ‘Highly Recommended’ from me!
Zero Upsells
This offer is extremely unusual in that there are no upsells. Zero.
You pay your money and you get your purchase.
How unique is that in today’s upsell, downsell, rollercoaster world! I recently bought a product that had fifteen upsells and downsells. FIFTEEN! I was sick of the product before I was even allowed to download it. So Erica’s no-upsell approach is wonderfully refreshing.
There is also a very clear, 30-Day money-back guarantee, which I doubt anyone will want to invoke. So many ‘guarantees’ look genuine, but when you read the small print there are get-out clauses that make it unlikely you’ll ever get a cent back. I call these weasel-word guarantees and I see far too many of them. But Erica is straight with you. In my opinion you’d be crazy to ask for your money back, but it’s nice to know you genuinely can.
The Nitty-Gritty
I’ve read all 97 pages of the main book, and the three other PDFs that break out specific instructions. And I can tell you that if list-building is your aim – and frankly everyone interested in Internet marketing needs an email list – Speedlister is pure gold!
Erica’s methods are genius – and even better, can be repeated by anyone.
I have seen a lot of ‘how to build a list’ products and frankly, most of them are garbage. Erica is all about your success though, and that shows.
This is a little bit about her (taken from the sales page) that speaks to her character, I think:
Meet the creator
My name is Erica Stone and I’ve been teaching affiliate marketing strategies online for over ten years. Before I became a full time Internet marketer I was a First Vice President at one of the biggest banks in the US.
I’ve shown thousands of people how to make money online.
I believe one should undercharge, over-deliver, and provide excellent customer service.
You can always contact me if you have any questions.
Read all about Speedlister HERE
So What IS Speedlister?
Speedlister is a very full and frank account of how Erica uses Facebook ads to both make affiliate sales AND build her email lists. She lays everything out so that anyone can copy her exact methods.
She even gives you a clone of her own WordPress site so you can use exactly the same landing page that she has developed to work best.
To avoid any confusion over what her method entails, Erica wrote an email to her own list, answering some common questions.
Here is what she wrote…
The Speedlister Email List Building Strategy
I’ve received lots of great questions and want to share them here along with the answers in case these help you decide if this is right for you.
Q. Do I need an autoresponder and what is the cost?
Yes, you will need an autoresponder service. In the main eBook I lay out the step by step instructions for setting up Aweber.
Aweber is free to use up to 500 subscribers. It’s the service I’ve used for years.
[Sidenote from Martin: you don’t have to use AWeber – pretty much any autoresponder will do just fine.]
Q. How do I make money from this?
Speedlister walks you through using Facebook ads to build a targeted email list with the goal of promoting a product so that you start to see sales in less than 2 weeks.
The entire process is covered including the kinds of products to promote, where to find them, how to write the emails that will lead to sales and how to create the Facebook ad.
Once you have these emails on your list and have promoted your first product choice you can continue to promote other, related products over time, too.
You open the door to ongoing sales for however long you maintain the list.
Q. Is this only for the Internet marketing niche?
While the instructions in the book use a product popular with Internet marketers, this method can be used with almost any niche.
Several people contacted me with a question about the specific niche or product they had in mind and we were able to work through more specifics about how they would apply Speedlister to those niches and products.
Erica Stone’s new product, Speedlister, is not for everyone.
If you have no interest in building a responsive email list AND making affiliate sales while you do so, don’t bother… It isn’t for you.
BUT … if making sales AND building a list that will generate income for you in the future is what you need, and you understand that to be successful in Internet marketing you have to put in some effort – and a little cash – then Erica’s training is just what the doctor ordered.
In a nutshell, Speedlister is all about EXACTLY how Erica uses Facebook advertising to build responsive lists while making affiliate sales.
That’s not really doing it justice though because Speedlister is one of the most detailed how-to products I have ever seen. She explains her own successful method in exquisite detail – with screenshots that illustrate EVERY single tiny step. There really is NOTHING left out – and nothing to confuse you.
Have a look at the sales page and you’ll see that Erica is the real deal. She lays everything out so that anyone can copy her exact methods and even gives you a clone of her own WordPress site so you can use exactly the same landing page that she has developed to work best.
I don’t think I have ever seen such in-depth, step-by-step training. Everything is explained to the finest detail, and there are more screenshots than I’ve ever seen in a product before. This product is totally complete – you won’t be left wondering about anything.
That’s why I recommend it so highly.