by  Martin

Why ignore the consequences? When I wrote a blog post recently about the credibility gap in Internet marketing, it got me thinking about WHY some people do the self-destructive things they do. I figure that it comes down to them being so blinded by the short-term gain that they completely forget about – or deliberately

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by  Martin

“Trust me, I’m a liar.” Internet marketing is a funny old game. There are certain marketers who seem intent on destroying their own credibility. They love to launch new products all the time, but for me, that is the number one mark against their credibility. How can anyone launch a ‘fantastic’ new product every week?

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by  Martin

Speed is of the essence… Erica Stone is a well respected online marketer and product creator that I have had the pleasure of both buying from, and promoting for in the past. She is something of a no-nonsense lady who tells it like it is and believes in conducting her business at the highest ethical

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by  Martin

Think before you junk! Turning out a wardrobe recently I found an old laptop. When I say old, it was one we bought in 2010. Originally a Windows 7 machine, it had at some stage upgraded to Windows 10, but from that day on it never ran right. The processor is a very ancient AMD

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