Sorry - this offer has now ended.
I don't usually post things like this, but it is a subject very close to my heart. Pun intended.
I recently bought the resell rights license for a book called Healthy Heart - Long Life.

My license says not to change the book or its contents, and suggests I sell it for $17 (more if I sell the resell rights).
But frankly, the book needed a few changes.
The content is about the symptoms of heart disease and a heart attack. How to make simple changes in your life to give yourself the best chance of never having a heart attack. Or to survive and thrive if you are unlucky enough to have one.
Let's be honest. Nobody WANTS to read about this stuff - but it could save your life.
It's full of good stuff, and I found it helpful.
But it had lots of grammatical errors, and the writing could be improved.
So I broke the terms of my license and edited it, ran it through Outwrite Pro to tidy up the grammar and style, re-formatted the entire thing and optimized all the pictures. That last step alone reduced the file size from over 50Mb to under 2Mb - without affecting the content one bit.
In short, I broke the word of the license, but not the spirit. It is still the same useful book, but (in my opinion) better.
The other thing I did was offer it for sale, including the resell rights, for just $5.
Slap me on the wrist if you like, but I think the subject is too important to put a premium price on. This is something everyone should read about, if not for themselves, then for the people close to them.
After all, if my wife, Delia, or I had read Healthy Heart - Long Life before my heart attacks, we might have been better prepared - and less scared!
After PayPal's fee, I receive about $4.50 per sale.

I promised that after 50 sales, every penny I receive will be donated to the British Heart Foundation charity.
As more than 50 copies have been sold, I now won't keep a cent of the asking price - it will ALL go to charity.
Do yourself a favor and buy - AND READ - Healthy Heart - Long Life today. It could literally save your life. And as every penny I receive after PayPal's fees will go to the British Heart Foundation to help fund their research and support program, it could save many people's lives too.
Please buy Healthy Heart NOW for just $5 and together we will donate $4.50 to help save lives - including your own.
Who knows how much we can raise?
Just in case you are as cynical as me, this is not a thinly-veiled attempt to get your email address - you WILL NOT be added to any lists as a result of buying.