Affiliate Marketing on Crack - A full, 100% Honest Kickstart Review
The Basic Overview
This is a review of Affiliate Marketing on Crack by Benjamin Fletcher.
What you get, for a very low cost (currently $17), is a series of videos and a 62-page PDF document by Ben. They explain the thinking and processes that enabled him to change his life from a poorly paid motor mechanic in 2012, to making a regular 6-figure income from affiliate marketing.
There is also a 62-page PDF, which is a stand-alone manual in itself, that contains things the videos don't.

Refreshingly Different
I hadn't come across Ben before, but like his way of thinking.
If you are a struggling affiliate marketer, or if you fancy getting involved, Ben's 'Affiliate Marketing on Crack' training is exactly what you need.
There are many ideas and strategies that were new to me. I’ve been an affiliate marketer for over 20 years, so that doesn't happen often!
You can often tell a lot about a marketer by the style of their sales page. In Ben's case it is a very unusual style I liked a lot. No BS. No waffle. Just lots of easy-to-read and easy-to-absorb bullet points. I found it refreshing as it is presented in a way that is fresh and different.
There are three upsells. You don't NEED any of them. But don't be too quick to click on the No Thanks link - they are each good offers. As far as I have seen, you don't get a second chance at them later.
Lacking in Oily Slickery
Affiliate Marketing on Crack is NOT a slick, shiny product. It differs from so many IM products because it doesn't look like it's been created by unprincipled copywriters and oily second-hand car salesmen. You know the kind of things I mean. This is a genuine tutorial from a guy who knows his business, does this stuff for a living, and is keen to share his knowledge. Without the hype and slickery lesser products need .
Give me a product like that any day of the week.
My FULL Kickstart Review
My FULL review of Affiliate Marketing On Crack by Ben Fletcher - in which I tell you things nobody else mentions...
Affiliate Marketing on Crack is the real deal. But you might appreciate a bit more information than just me saying 'this is good'!
So, briefly, let me explain WHY it is good, and WHAT BENEFITS you'll get from it.
I've already said the sales page is refreshingly different. Instead of hype, over claims, and all the BS that seems to have become the norm for many Internet marketing products these days, Ben Fletcher has written a sales page that tells you straight what to expect.
After I first promoted Affiliate Marketing On Crack through my Kickstart Newsletter, I had several emails from readers commenting on how refreshing it was. Here is a typical one:
"Well, THAT was different, Martin! I'm not sure if such a no-nonsense sales page will be effective for everyone, but it certainly got me to part with my money! Oh, and for the record, the product was every bit as good as you said." John O'B.
The Weirdest Sub-Heading I've Ever Seen

I like that. Even though it probably will lead to fewer sales. It is clear, from the start, that Ben doesn't make unrealistic claims. There is no hint of him trying to trick the unwary into buying something they don't need.
A Sales Page Isn't a Product
The important question is, does 'Affiliate Marketing On Crack' do what the salespage says? And will it help you make more money, be more successful and find eternal happiness?
The short answer is yes. At least for the first two. Eternal happiness might be a stretch, even for Ben.
What You Get For Your Money
Affiliate Marketing on Crack is two products in one.
First, you get three videos that total just over 66 minutes.
Video #1, section #1 talks about why successful affiliates treat their online marketing as a real business.
"Almost everyone who has generated an income online has acted as an affiliate on occasion. But the difference between the successful and the perpetually struggling is this distinction - they recognize that affiliate marketing is a BUSINESS."
Video #1, section #2 explains about the three hottest niches and how to increase your profits by targeting a smaller segment of your chosen niche.
Video #1, section #3 emphasizes the importance of building a list, and shows how promoting low cost offers can be the fastest way to grow your list for free.
If you are new to the concept of affiliate marketing, Ben runs through some numbers that give you an idea of how profitable this business can be. Naturally, everyone's results will be different, but nothing he talks about seems off the mark to me.
Video #2, section #4 is Ben telling exactly how he chooses which products to promote. The first point he makes was music to my ears, as he stresses the importance of getting to know the product you are promoting. If only more affiliates did this - there would be a lot less junk being sold!
After the intro, he explains how he finds great products to promote on ClickBank. There is a lot of useful information here, as it is rare to find such detail on Clickbank. Personally, I found this section extremely helpful.
The final part of this section is something I have not considered before, and it is gold. Without giving Ben's 'secret' away, it is all about how (and why) to check if a salespage has a 'leak' that could seriously reduce your commissions. For me, that one thing is worth the cost of the product many times over!
Video 2, section #5 is about the affiliate networks Ben uses, and the criteria you need to check before you use them.
Ben is primarily an affiliate marketer in niches outside the Internet Marketing arena I mainly operate in, and so is far more experienced in the non-IM networks than I am.
Video #3, section 6 starts with some good advice on how to make your affiliate marketing emails as responsive as possible. While Affiliate Marketing On Crack is not primarily about email marketing, it is good that Ben has included some information about how he structures the messages he sends.
I have cherry-picked the golden nuggets Ben shares - there are more than I can list here.
But There's More...
You also get a 62-page PDF.
In many products, the PDF is simply a transcript of the videos. Useful, especially for people like me who like to read more than watch, but that's not what Ben has done.
The Affiliate Marketing on Crack manual covers many of the same things as the videos, but goes into more detail.
It also covers stuff that is not in the videos at all, so you should see it as a companion volume more than an alternative teaching method.
In fact, you don't want to miss it, because it is packed with the tips and strategies, ideas and concepts that make Ben a 6-figure marketer.
To tell the truth, I have printed it out, so I can refer to it again. It's that good.
It is hard for me to pick one thing from the manual that will make a big difference in the way I - and you - will think about affiliate marketing, because there are so many gems. But here is part of page 49 that I found particularly useful:

Why he is giving all his best stuff away for such a low price is beyond me.
Not Just the Internet Marketing Niche
Ben is what is known as a super-affiliate. He operates in various niches - which immediately makes him unusual, because most people who teach affiliate marketing stick to the lucrative Internet marketing niche.
But Ben is just as successful in the health niche, as well as the fitness niche - and others besides.
What I find particularly good (and different) about Affiliate Marketing on Crack is that his training is about how to be a top affiliate in general, not just in the lucrative, but limited Internet marketing niche.
Affiliate Marketing on Crack is NOT a slick, shiny product that looks like it has been created by unprincipled copywriters and oily second-hand car salesmen. You know the kind of things I mean. It is a genuine tutorial from a guy who knows his business, does this stuff for a living, and is keen to share his knowledge.