The Nearest Thing to Money From Nothing
Michael Cheney's affiliate marketing training course, The 7-Figure Affiliate System, is unusual these days because it is real videos made by a real person. By that, I mean Michael - a world-class affiliate marketer who makes well over $1 million every year in commissions - personally teaches you his own simple system.

Affiliate marketing is the easiest way to make money online, but there is a snag.

The problem is - and this is why so many people try and fail - is that there are many pieces in the puzzle.
Get one part wrong, or do it in the wrong order, and everything tends to fall apart. That’s why people say that affiliate marketing is complex, but not complicated. Or, to put it in a less fancy way, ‘It’s easy when you know how.’Mentors, Coaches and Trainers
Many people find themselves a mentor - someone who already knows the process and is willing to teach them their shortcuts to success. But that can cost a lot of money. I know several people who offer mentoring and coaching services, and they charge upwards of $1000. A Day.

Another downside of mentoring is that if your chosen expert uses tactics that don’t sit well with you, or has a style that you are uncomfortable with, it is unlikely that their expensive training will do you any good. You can easily spend your $1000 and get nothing of value in return.
Personal mentoring can be effective, if you already have a lot of money, and pick the right teacher for you, but what if you don't? How does the regular Jane or Joe get started?
Some successful affiliate marketers are self taught. I include myself here because when I started out over 20 years ago, there weren't any authoritative training courses. Having just lost my real-world job and with three children and a big mortgage, I didn't have the disposable money to hire a mentor, even had I known such people existed.
For me, it took over 6 months before I made my first commission. Not everyone has the faith, resources or family support to keep going until they make it.
On the other hand, you can listen to what Michael Cheney has to say for under $10 and get a head start.
As he teaches his exact method, which generates over a million for him every year, you will get valuable education for almost no money.
Will his methods suit you? I don’t know, but as Michael is ethical about how he conducts his business and is honest and straightforward about how he promotes it, they certainly suit me.
What Do You Get in a $10 Affiliate Marketing Training Course?
Firstly, you get the truth.
If that sounds odd, consider this: there are many products on the market that are all hype and no substance. Worse, there are lots of them that either promise you riches and fail to deliver, or hint at riches, but expect you to buy more expensive training to make it work.
Michael doesn’t make any false claims or promises. He is straight about how his business works, and how you can follow his system to make it work for you.
The fact is that many teachers in Internet marketing paint a rosy picture and make it all sound so easy - until you do it yourself and find they glossed over the hard bits.
Michael doesn't gloss. He tells it straight. But as a great teacher, he takes time to explain which bits are hard, and how you can approach them to make them as easy as possible.
A Sneak Peek Inside the 7-Figure Affiliate System

"What I'm going to pass on to is everything I know about how to make millions and millions of dollars as an affiliate."
That's what Michael Cheney says at the beginning of 7-Figure Affiliate System, and that's what he delivers.
Module 1: The Riches Are In The Niches
To be a successful affiliate, you have to pick the right niche. It may be Internet marketing - like Michael, or me - but there are thousands of successful affiliates in other niches too. The 'Niche Picker Matrix' in module #1 tells you exactly how to find the right niche for you, and more importantly, the one in which you can make the most money.
You also get the 8 most profitable niches of all. These 8 'biggies' give you the best chance of making money fast, because their audiences are hungry to buy.
Module 2: Where The Money Is, And How To Get It
The module is about how you find the best offers to promote. Michael discusses his '8-P' system, which lets you evaluate products and offers to decide if they are right for you and your audience.
As a beginner affiliate, you have two problems: finding good products to promote, and getting the vendor to accept you as an affiliate. Both aspects are covered in this module, and elsewhere.
Module 3: The Golden Thread
This is the stuff that sets a great affiliate apart from the crowd. Anyone can say 'buy this product', but they won't get many sales. Successful affiliates weave a story.
In this module, Michael explains his Waterfall Method as an easy way to find the important things to talk about a product - in a compelling way.
Module 4: Secret Sales Triggers
An affiliate should NOT sell the product - that's the job of the sales page. It's about PRE selling.
In other words, make the reader hungry.
Michael identifies 8 triggers that affiliates can use to build hunger. He explains why each one is important, and how to use them to the greatest effect.
Module 5: Win the Sale By Adding Value
Adding your own bonuses to a product is one of the most effective sales tools in an affiliate's kit bag. You will have seen me offering Kickstart bonuses many times, and believe me, doing so has always multiplied my profits several times over.
There is a lot of good stuff in this module - things I hadn't thought of doing myself - yet!
Module 6: Produce the Perfect Promo
This module is an expert view of how to write emails, articles, blogs, videos - anything you use to promote an affiliate product.
It isn't enough to say something like 'product x is great, buy it now'. As an affiliate, you have to get traffic, entice that traffic to look at what you are saying, and then get a yearning in their stomachs to get whatever you are talking about.
That's promotion.
And that's what this module teaches you to do.
Module 7: Turn on Traffic
Not everyone has an email list to send promotions to. If you are just starting out as an affiliate, you almost certainly won't have one. That's why knowing how to get traffic is so important.
I have recommended several excellent products recently that cover the skill of generating traffic, but in this module, Michael gives some useful advice on how to get traffic from Facebook.
Module 8: Secrets of a 7-Figure Super Affiliate
This module covers the things that super affiliates do, that regular affiliates don't.
There are two main sections:
- How to Make More Sales AFTER They Buy
- The Secret Cash Cow
This is stuff you don't often see taught, and it is more valuable than the rest of the course combined.
That's a full round-up of the 7-Figure Affiliate System and, I hope, enough to make you want to buy it - or at least learn more.
Affiliate Marketing is a Wonderful Business.
When I spent a couple of weeks in hospital recently, I had an iPad and a very slow Internet connection. But even though I only had the energy for a few minutes ‘work’ at a time - and probably no more than an hour daily - I could send out emails. And as a result, make so much commission from affiliate marketing that even one of my doctors asked me to teach her what I was doing!
I am not bragging - or blowing my own trumpet, as we say here - but without really trying (I’d had a heart attack, so I felt justified in taking things easy), I made almost $2,000 for myself. On top of that, I managed to raise almost $600 (£462.50) in other affiliate commissions to donate to the Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal.

What other business would make me $2,000 from my hospital bed AND raise almost $600 extra for charity? All from just a handful of simple emails while hooked up to monitors, ECG machines, and goodness knows what else?
Challenging Times

We are living in a challenging time - utility bills are rocketing, fuel prices are going through the roof, inflation is making food more expensive. Everything is more expensive.
But wages are not keeping pace. Far from it.
The cost of living is exploding, and we have two choices: struggle to manage what we have coming in (seemingly harder and harder each month), or find a better way.
In my opinion, affiliate marketing offers that better way.
Learn how to be a successful affiliate, and you'll never have money worries again. If you need an injection of cash - to pay a bill, book a vacation, buy yourself a treat - you'll know exactly what to do to get it. Fast.
Affiliate marketing is the closest thing I know to manifesting money from thin air - if you know how to do it properly.
That is exactly what Michael Cheney teaches you in his 7-Figure Affiliate System.
Two questions my newsletter readers asked:
1. Is this just about the Make Money Online Niche? No. While Michael uses his own business as the example, and that IS making money online, what he teaches applies to every niche.
2. Are there upsells and do I need them? Yes, there are a few. And very good they are too.
The Upsells
- The first is a detailed case study of a campaign Michael recently ran that has so far made over $500k. It is an hour+ video, and when I watched it earlier this morning, I was blown away
- The second is 10 ready-made campaigns worth their weight in gold.
- The third is a phenomenal course on traffic
- The fourth is an opportunity to get the resell rights to the entire product and funnel, so you can make 100% commissions forever
But do you NEED them? No. The initial product is a complete course, and you don't need any of the upsells to get started. The real question is will you WANT them?
Bonus Bounty
Don't forget that the price of just $9.95 for the entire course includes 7 excellent bonuses.