I was rudely awoken by a small fluffy cat licking my nose. Not, I should add, a particularly pleasant experience! But it did make me reach for my iPad and sleepily check out Facebook. On a JVZoo FB Group a guy called David asked a question that I thought deserved more than the usual glib answer. He wrote: Hi I am David and am new to this affiliate stuff. I have a few questions: Does it really work (pay)? After getting my affiliate link and whitelisting the email addresses sent to me…what do I do next? How exactly do I

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Your First Dollar Online is the Sweetest. There is a huge misconception that blights Internet marketing. It is that with just a computer and an Internet connection, anyone can succeed. We are seduced into thinking that the only measure of success is the almost instant generation of bucket loads of money. One part of the myth is true: anyone can start up an online business for very little money. But (and sorry if this bursts your bubble), that’s the extent of it. Starting up is the easy part. Making it work is where 99% of people fall down. I have

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The Right Picture is Worth 1000 Words. I’ve made hundreds of websites over the years and one thing that I have always valued as is a ready source of graphics. I admit freely that making graphics is not my strong point, so I have used all kinds of sites to find stock images, logos, icons and all those things that are an absolute necessity for making websites that work. I have paid a fortune for a single image, and I’ve used free stock image sites like Pixabay, Pexels and Unsplash. But even though they are good, it can still be

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Anyone can make money online. Just look at me – I worked in the same London advertising agency for 19 years and for at least half that time I hated it. I was a corporate employee for so long that the very thought of doing anything ‘entrepreneurial’ scared me to my roots. Sure, I always SAID that I’d love to find another way to make a living – given that I hated my job – but with three small children and a crippling mortgage, I would probably have never taken the plunge. So when I was laid off, made redundant,

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Recently it was my 40th anniversary 40 years to the day since I bought my very first computer – a Sinclair ZX81. Seeing that ad reminds me of the hundreds of rolls of silver thermal printer paper I got through. I can still remember the smell! Little did I know that the strange, annoying, frustrating and endlessly fascinating little black box would have such a major influence on my life. First I learned ‘Sinclair BASIC’, the built-in programming language, and then I progressed to learning assembly language – machine code – which was faster, leaner and a whole lot more

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Why ignore the consequences? When I wrote a blog post recently about the credibility gap in Internet marketing, it got me thinking about WHY some people do the self-destructive things they do. I figure that it comes down to them being so blinded by the short-term gain that they completely forget about – or deliberately ignore – the long-term consequences. Thinking about people like that reminded me of something that happened nearly 40 years ago. I worked in a small but very prestigious advertising agency called Michael Robinson Associates. Our offices were on the 2nd floor of an iconic building

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“Trust me, I’m a liar.” Internet marketing is a funny old game. There are certain marketers who seem intent on destroying their own credibility. They love to launch new products all the time, but for me, that is the number one mark against their credibility. How can anyone launch a ‘fantastic’ new product every week? The truth is, they can’t. What they can do is repackage some old crap and give it a shiny new suit of clothes. Then they’ll get a copywriter-for-hire who specializes in dressing up dross by creating sales pages that don’t give you any idea what

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Speed is of the essence... Erica Stone is a well respected online marketer and product creator that I have had the pleasure of both buying from, and promoting for in the past. She is something of a no-nonsense lady who tells it like it is and believes in conducting her business at the highest ethical level. That's saying something with so many 'gimme the money and to hell with your results' fakers that seem to be proliferating daily! Erica's Speedlister, is all about her own method of growing her email list. As she is just as successful an email marketer

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Think before you junk! Turning out a wardrobe recently I found an old laptop. When I say old, it was one we bought in 2010. Originally a Windows 7 machine, it had at some stage upgraded to Windows 10, but from that day on it never ran right. The processor is a very ancient AMD Athlon II dual-core that is creaky to say the least! When I plugged the machine in, it took over 12 minutes before Windows was open. Actually, I was a bit surprised it opened at all – it took so long I thought it had died

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Fear of Missing Out Nestled in among all the other weird things our brains do to us is a psychological phenomena known as the Fear of Missing Out. It affects people in lots of different ways. For example, I know of one guy who is so afraid of missing out that he cannot make a decision to do anything because he is frightened something better might come along. I remember he was invited to a big dinner and dance once, but because he thought he might get an invitation onto a better (in his view) table, he delayed accepting so

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